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Hello and Welcome! Today we’ll learn how to create a compelling business offer for the key decision makers in the industrial gas sector

Creating a Compelling Industrial Gas Business Offer

First list all the people in the decision-making unit responsible for choosing an industrial gas suppler

Next, indicate the influence they have on choosing a supplier so it becomes apparent who are the key decision makers.

Now we’ll look at how key decision makers behave in their job by asking the following questions (the list is not exhaustive)

Next, we’ll identify the primary needs related to the best in class supplier offers

Focus groups from key customers from medium and larger industrial gas consumers have revealed that the main driving force ín choosing industrial gas suppliers is FEAR. Fear of making the wrong decision, choosing a wrong supplier and closing the factory down. Purchasing managers are measured on the availability, quality, safety and environmental friendliness of products in their plant. Send out this simple assessment list to key customers online and ask them for making a ranking of your company versus your key competitors.

In our example, your company fulfils the key requirements of providing electronic order fulfilment and automatic refiling of products which meets the need of reducing the FEAR of closing the factory down lacking industrial gases.

Discover how to sell your unique solutions to the key decision makers of your customers

Next, start using the model. Establish a SMART COMPETITION PROGRAM team from marketing and sales, select a pilot market and get started in Q2 2021

Today we’ve learned how to create a compelling business offer for the key decision makers in the industrial gas sector

To Your Success!