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The 1-Hour Sales Leader – How to Turn Your Sales Objective Your Sales Strategy in One Day Using RapidKnowHow

Chris LeBon, The Newly Appointed Regional Sales Manager Scandinavia of InnovaGas wants to develop a simple step-by-step business model for turning sales objectives into a sales strategy in one day.

Here’s The RapidKnowHow Process for Turning Your Sales Objective into Your Sales Strategy in One Day

The RapidKnowHow Action Guide – 3 Steps to Turn Your Sales Objective into Your Sales Strategy One Day Using RapidKnowHow

1. Specify Objective You Want to Achieve

What are you trying to achieve by making a decision? Make sure that as many people as possible with a stake in solving the problem are asked to specify their objectives.

If you find you’re hearing two or more substantially different objectives, you may conclude you’re actually facing two or more problems, or that more than a few stakeholders don’t understand the problem, or that different groups hope to see the problem solved in very different ways.

Do you want a solution that boosts sales? By what amount? For which region? Be as precise as you can be.

The Business Objective to establish a focused planning process

Increase Sales for Region Scandinavia from k$ 6.000 to k$ 7.000 by October 2021

2. Create The Sales Objective into Strategy Business Model

The most important goal is that all major stakeholders are committed to delivering the objectives. That’ s why you’ll invite all stakeholders to develop the most effective strategy to reach the goal.

Make sure your agreed-on objectives and outcomes are not in conflict.

You may have determined that part of your solution to achieve sales growth is to increase the number of demonstrations to selected key customers.

It’s a matter of fact, to get new sales your salespersons have to visit customers or prospects. If they visit more customers with the potential to increase purchases of your products and services.

However, if they visit customers they need to provide measurable value by demonstrating how to turn a specific customer problem into measurable cost-and time savings.

The Business Strategy to increasing new sales by aligning lead criteria to lag results
Use the simple lead-lag formula for increasing sales :

Increasing New Sales by  Increasing the Number of Demonstrations to Target Clients 

3. Action Guide: Turning Your Sales Objective into Your Sales Strategy Map in One Day

By applying the lead-lag formula, you’ll create a performance-based strategy map that shows:
the lag measure which tells you if you’ve achieved the goal, a lead measure tells you if you are likely to achieve the goal.

No matter what you are trying to achieve, your success will be based on two kinds of measuresLag and Lead
Lead measures track the critical activities that drive or lead to the lag measure.

In our business model, Results-Based Criteria are the objective – the lag result while the Performance-Based Criteria are the lead drivers for achieving the objective.

  • Results-Based Criteria
  • Performance-Based Criteria

Results-Based Criteria are the objective – the lag result while the Performance-Based Criteria are the lead drivers for achieving the objective.

The Performance-Based Strategy Map for turning your focus sales objective into rapid results

Here’s the RapidKnowHow Performance-Based Strategy Map that demonstrates how to turn your focus sales objective into results using the lead-lag formula:

Focus Sales ObjectivePerformance-Based CriteriaResults-Based Criteria
Increase Sales for Region Scandinavia from k$ 6.000 to k$ 7.000 by October 2021Increase the Number of Demonstrations to Target ClientsIncrease New Sales to Target Clients


Today, we’ve learned how to turn your focus sales objective into sales results by applying the RapidKnowHow Performance-Based Strategy Map.

We’ve applied the 3-Step RapidKnowHow Action Guide to turn your focus sales objective into results using performance-based criteria to drive sales results.
Now it’s your turn. Wish You All Success!


RapidKnowHow provides proven action guides for turning your objectives into rapid results. Our goal is to help leaders to turn focused objectives into rapid results.