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The One Hour Digital Leader – How to Turn Website Visitors into Business Relationships Rapidly

One of the most significant challenges for digital leaders is to turn website visitors into business relationships.

Their goal is to generate sales with business blogging. If you want to be able to get the desired response with business blogging, then you must have a proven step-by-step process to achieve the desired response.

Step 1 – Get on top 5 with your keyword on Google, Yahoo, Bing

First, you want to attract the right readers with an exciting and specific article. A particular blog post helps to emerge on top in the search results for the proper keyword searches. The action-oriented and result focused article title makes the reader click your article.

Step 2 – Solve an urgent problem for your reader step-by-step

Next, you want the reader to finish reading your article and take specific actions. Demonstrate how the reader can solve the problem step-by-step.

Step 3 – Make readers subscribe to your posts

Our goal is satisfied with getting her problem solved. He wants to get our posts to her email box, so he subscribes to our posts in the subscription box at the bottom of the post.

Step 4 – Send Weekly Summary Posts to Your Subscribers

Most readers are busy to read every single post, so it’s a good idea to send a weekly summary of your posts to your subscribers. Thereby you’ll stay top of mind of your readers.


The Infographic: The One Hour Digital Leader

The infographic demonstrates how to turn your website visitors into business relationships rapidly. To your success – Josef


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