The 1-Hour Digital Leader – 3 Steps to Appoint Your Digital Leaders in One Hour

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The One Hour Digital Leader – 3 Steps to Appoint Your Digital Leaders Rapidly

Appointing Your Digital Leader is one of the most critical tasks for You the Top Management Champion.

You might delegate this task to Human Resources Specialist, just figuring out he has no clear strategy and concept for identifying and choosing the right candidates.

That’s why we’ve designed a three-step process guide that helps to deliver your objective rapidly.

The One Hour Digital Leader – 3 Steps to Appoint Your Digital Leaders Rapidly

Here’s is the three-step process:

1. Create the Digital Leader Competency Model

First, we’ll create a digital leader competency model.

Our goal is to have a simple model for assessing the digital competencies of our leadership talents.

Here’s our digital leadership competency model:

2. Assess Digital Leadership Talents

Next, we’ll apply the Digital Competency Model for assessing our digital leadership talents.

The best way is to have a one-on-one interview with your digital leadership talents.

You’ll use this tool for assessing and commenting on his leadership competencies.

3. Appoint Digital Program Leads

Finally, we’ll make the evaluation on which level our candidate is.

The assessment will be done together with the candidate.

He’ll agree on the assessment result and recommendation.

Takeaway and Next Steps

Finally, we conclude the assessment by recommending the candidate as the digital program leader, digital project leader or digital co-worker.

Next, we’ll distribute the result to relevant stakeholders within our organisation by a specific date.


Josef David specializes in creating and implementing innovative digital business strategies. He helps business leaders to turn them into transformation programs rapidly. His focus is on generating quick, but sustainable business results.

Josef has started with digital business strategy creation and implementation in 2000 – 2002 for a global DAX 30 company where he created the digital strategy and led the global digital transformation program consisting of more than 20 e-commerce projects of a post-merger company that generated quick cash flows that financed the program.

Since 2002, Josef has created and implemented dozens of digital strategies and digital projects that generated rapid results. He specializes with his RapidKnowHow platform on transferring your digital gaols into results rapidly by offering:

  • Creating innovative digital business models
  • Crafting your digital business strategy
  • Creating digital business solutions that generate income rapidly
