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Hello and Welcome!

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to choose your sales strategy in one hour.
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You want to create your sales strategy to deliver your sales goals rapidly.
That’s why I’ve created this short workshop to help you to turn your company goals into your sales strategy rapidly.

You’ll use my 3-step process to choose your sales strategy in ONE hour.

How to Choose Your Sales Strategy in One Hour?

Watch the video, where you can turn your company goal into results in ONE hour.


If your company focuses on sales increase, you’ll improve sales value over the last year.

You’ll apply these four strategies:

  1. Increase new gas projects at key customers
  2. Discover new potential gas consumers
  3. Discover new service projects at key customers
  4. Launch new eProjects


If your company wants to focus on securing present business, you’ll focus on signing and renewing contracts.

You’ll select these strategies:

  1. Sign and renew Gas Contracts with Key Customers
  2. Sign and renew Service Contracts with Key Customers


In a stable market where your company goal is profitability, you’ll emphasize price increase.
You’ll grow your present business. Your focus will be on generating new business.

You’ll go ahead and choose from these four sales strategies:

  1. Increase Prices at low value clients
  2. Change low prices to discounts from list prices
  3. Increase service charges
  4. Increase sales share at existing key customers

Getting Started

In this short workshop we’ve turned your company goals into sales strategies in ONE hour.

Now, you can start designing and creating your own sales strategies with your team.
Wish You All Success!

Check out my eCourse : Turn Your Company Goal into Sales Tactics in ONE Hour

Want to Share Your Ideas and Challenges?

Just fill out the contact form below and I’ll come back to you as soon as I can.