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To drive your business and life after the Covid Pandemic, you need simple, reliable strategies that work.

How to Design Innovative Solutions

Design Thinking focuses on creating products or solutions fast. Design Thinking usually starts with understanding the potential of users’ needs and defining the product or solution, and ideatebuild-test-deliver the product or solution

I need to create a visually appealing design thinking process on ONE page. After completing the idea, I designed this simple slide that fits my needs. Next, I‘ll create a learning video and present my solution as a Vlog post on RapidKnowHow.

Where to live after Corona?

Many people reconsider where to live after Corona! We created a simple evaluation to find out shall we stay or shall we go!

CASE VIENNA: The result is that Vienna is a perfect town to live however, there are deep concerns about immigration and population change that impacts the overall feeling of security. That‘s a big issue!

Creating Your Life Strategy!

If you want to improve your life situation, you can use our simple life strategy framework to find out where to improve.

First, analyse your current situation by making simple dots.

Creating Your Life Strategy!

Next, find out your current overall situation by assessing every single category. Criteria HIGH means high personal satisfaction; LOW means low personal satisfaction with the current situation. LOW criteria are those for whom you need to set up a life strategy action plan to drive change.


Entrepreneur: You‘re an entrepreneur for more than 10 years, working with international companies from different sectors, so your expertise and market value are high.

Rapid Problem Solving Using Efficient Communication Channels to Succeed

In today‘s competitive environment, business leaders need access to reliable experts fast. That‘s why I created a simple solution tree to help you use efficient communication channels to save time, hassles and costs.

Modelling Strategic Direction of Innova

Innova‘s management wants to improve its poor business performance due to head-to-head competition. They asked Rapidknowhow for a simple strategy. We recommend THE MARKET SPACE DEVELOPER STRATEGY. Adopting the market space developer strategy, Innova would thrive in the market development in its sector.

Today, we learned how leaders drive change in the digital age! Wish You All Success!