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Frank Palermo of Virtusa’s Global Digital Business believes companies must take a new approach to digital transformation.
He claims that the narrative around digital business will begin to change significantly in 2018 with companies taking a more holistic approach.

He presents General Electric (GE) as great example.

GE has made hard decisions about what businesses are important:

  • It divested Financial Services Business
  • Doubled Investment in R&D
  • Establish PREDIX, a cloud bases platform that connects people and machines with big data and analytics.

RESULT: GE generated $ 7 Billion in Software Sales in 2016.


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The Emergence Of Digital 2.0: What To Get Ready For In 2018 at Virtusa’s Global Digital Business, responsible for technology practices in … As 2017 comes to a close, expect to see the following digital transformation stories begin to emerge. Close To The Edge As next-generation devices such as drones and … The Emergence Of Digital 2.0: What To Get Ready For In 2018






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