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The WHO wants to introduce the total surveillance state, the vehicle is the digital vaccination passport, without which no one will be allowed to travel anymore.

The puppet state representatives are due to grant the WHO new power! It’s time to act now before they establish the global digital gulag using forced vaccination as a trojan horse.


Austria The Covid Puppets

– Van der Bellen, Nehammer, Kurz, Mückstein, Rauch, Ludwig, Rendi-Wagner, Mikl-Leitner, Sobotka, Edtstadler, Kogler, Meinl-Reisinger and all other MPs who voted for the FORCED VACCINATION and the VACCINATION PASSPORT

Austria established a covid dictatorship during the covid pandemic. It is obvious that the majority of people follow like a shepherd the dictates of the covid dictators from the ÖVP, SPÖ, Grüne, and NEOS).

Van der Bellen THE GULAG MASTER is due to be re-elected to push further the covid dictatorship supported by the mainstream media. The 80% + shepherd will obey, and the minority of people who understand the game will be forced to adapt, or they will face severe penalties. (Fines, arrest, and death penalty?)

The Democrats must act now :
1. Van der Bellen dismissed from his office
2. New Election
3. Only Democrats of integrity are allowed to run in election