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You want to create your account management business offer and win clients in one month.

Here is our proven business system: 5 steps to create your account management business offer and win clients in one month
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Listed below are 5 steps to create your account management business offer and win clients in One Month

Step 1 – Find Out Skills

First, we’ll find out our skills.
We can demonstrate how to solve problems step-by-step rapidly and efficiently.

We can offer testimonials from current and recent clients also.
In account management, our most requested skills are to help clients increase their sales to the account segment rapidly.

Step 2 – Choose Niche

Next, we’ll choose our niche.
When we target a niche market, we have a small universe of potential clients.
They will pay a high fee for the specific how-to step-by-step solution system in their problem area.

Always target a niche market or segment where the match between the industry and your skill is best.

Say you were an account sales adviser. Your focus segment is account management.

You have a proven record of managing companies for increasing sustainable profitable account sales.
So your niche could be:

Sales Adviser for the Account Management Segment

Step 3 – Discover Wants

When customers are hiring specialists, the closer your skill matches to their wants the better.

The closer your tailored business offers matches the wants, the more you can charge.

We tend to underestimate what potential clients are willing to pay for specialised how-to action guides.
Action guides help turn specific problems to results, i.e. saving costs and increasing sales.

A rule of thumb is that the earlier we discover urgent wants, and the faster we deliver valuable results, the more in demand we will be and the more we can charge for our services and other communication services and information products such as reports, booklets, apps, e-books, speeches, presentations and workshops.

Clients want a proven ´account sales improvement system (ASI) system and sales management coaching to implement the ASI system within one week.

Step 4 – Create Offer

As an account sales improvement system (ASI) adviser, we possess both a proven step-by-step system and a reputation as an expert in applying the method.

We can multiply our offer and income by offering our proprietary system in the form of:

  • High priced I-I Executive Coaching Sessions
  • Strategy Consulting
  • General Management Group Coaching
  • Interim Management Assignments
  • General Management Contract

We’ll design our business offer for sales managers and key account managers.

We’ll communicate straightforwardly:

If you hire me to do this business coaching, seminar, assignment, you can expect this particular result at this time.

Stress the importance of transferring the problem to results in your offering.

The prospect has most probably some issues on account sales increase.

We’ll assign priority based on the urgency and importance to the decision maker and management group.

The more we can tie in our program to the company’s sales management system, the easier it will be to persuade decision-makers to hire us.

Step 5 – Win Clients

As outlined in our post:

RapidKnowHow 120 – 3 Steps to Transfer Your Business Innovation Model into Business in One Month or Less

We’ll apply our three step process to win our first business rapidly.
1. Contacting the Decision Makers
2. Arranging the Meeting
3. Managing the Meeting and Follow up Successfully.

We’ll approach our prospect directly or via reference persons.

Make sure you understand his real problems that cause account sales decrease.

To achieve quick wins in increasing account sales, we provide our proven account sales tactics:

The baseline for the increases is usually last years results for the same customers.

Sometimes results are budget based but this means that a budget per sales person is necessary.

It’s better to have the measurements in terms of sales income rather than volumes.

Volumes are product oriented while you want to coach sales management to make the sales persons more customer oriented.

5 Steps to Create Your Account Management Business Offer And Win Clients in One Month

In this short post, we’ve learned how to transfer account management skills to win clients in one month or less.

You’ve discovered how to:

  • Find Out Your Skills
  • Choosing Your Niche
  • Discovering Your Target Client’s Wants
  • How to Create a Compelling Offer
  • How to Win Your First Business in One Month or Less

Now it’s your turn! Wish You All the Success!

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