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If you want to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty, then you need to apply proven strategies to succeed.

Here are 10 initiatives to drive customer satisfaction, loyalty and stakeholder value. 

10 Initiatives to Drive Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Stakeholder Value

  1. Learning by TeachingIf you want to improve the business competence of your service reps, then establish peer teams to drive competence and team-selling rapidly
  2. Getting Customers Job DoneIf you want to help your customers get their job done effectively, then train your service reps in asking the right questions
  3. Getting References from Satisfied ClientsIf you want to hire the best service-oriented talents, then you need to apply our 360°  satisfaction screening strategy to succeed
  4. Learning by CoachingIf you want to train your service reps effectively, then you need to establish a side-by-side monitoring program where the coach offers feedback, reinforces positive behaviour, helps the novice navigate when trouble arises and demonstrates how to handle problem calls.
  5. Asking Not TellingIf you want to make your service reps handle customer problems, then they need to create a positive environment in three ways:1. Don’t tell service reps how to do rather ask: What would you do?2. Interacting with upset customers, ask:  What do you want rather than dictate a solution3. Good managers turn a fear-driven organisation into an empowering one
  6. View the World from Your Customers PerspectiveIf you want to improve your business results, then you’d make your customer service reps view the world from your customers’ perspective.In the medical sector young people learn to care for their patients by starting their training sessions with a video in which older patients describe what they did in their early 20s. Service reps whose average age is 25, see that the elderly are like themselves but at a different life stage.
  7. Applying Digital Self-LearningKnowledgeable service reps give the best service. That’s why the best companies establish digital programs which encourage employees to educate themselves. Customer service reps have a better understanding of the Internet and rapid changes in computer technology. And it’s an investment in customer satisfaction because the company stays current on both technology and customer needs.
  8. Sharing Service ExamplesDuring Monday morning meetings, the sales manager asks the service reps to share examples of specific customer services that they have provided. Thereafter the service reps vote for the example which had the greatest impact on the company’s customer service. The winner receives a small gift: a certificate or a voucher for dinner, film or theatre
  9. Giving Card BlancheWhenever you get a great service, you can make an unusual offer: Why no to hand over a Card Blanche that read: ” I was impressed by your service. If you’re ever looking for a job, please call me.”You look for people who are sincere and responsive, with a friendly smile and who seemed to enjoy serving.
  10. Playing the Service GameIf you want to find out the best service-oriented people, then you can engage applicants in role-playing.After giving your applicants a short history of your company and its successes, ask applicants what made them best for the job.  The role-play managers and disgruntled customers. If the job candidates automatically agree to refund money, that’s considered a poor decision. If they offer to trade product – a coupon – that’s a good start. If they ask questions to determine WHY the service was unacceptable, that’s best. The more questions the job candidates ask, the better.

 Let’s get started exploring three initiatives in detail.

1. Learning by Teaching

Training customer service reps to be experts on several changing products is an effective sales tactic to increase revenues and enhance customer loyalty.

Seasoned application engineers create video tutorials to teach service reps how to create, deliver and capture value from specific applications.

Service reps are engaged in discussing and implementing the initiative with peer trainers because they are all on the same team. 

The Result

  • Service reps learn in a day what their seasoned colleagues learn in their business lifetime
  • The Sales Peer Trainer Program strengthens the relationships between application engineers and service reps
  • Improved business competence drives teamwork in customer problem-solving leadership

2. Getting Customers Job Done

Best service reps are experts in providing practical solutions that help customers get their job done.

They are competent in asking the right questions: What is your position? What is the specific job you need to do?

Customers are engaged in discussing their challenging and issues because they get help in solving their problem.

The Result

  • Service reps help customers to get their specific job done rapidly
  • The Job-to-be-Done Program strengthens the business relationships between the service rep and the specific customer
  • Competent help in getting customer’s job done drives satisfaction and loyalty

3. Getting References from Satisfied Clients

If you want to hire the best service-oriented talents, then you need a practical strategy to succeed.

One of the best ways to learn about the applicant’s commitment to customers is from past customers themselves.

Ask prospective employees to provide references from clients in addition to those from employers and co-workers. During reference checks, clients are asked open-ended questions about their working relationship with the applicant

The Result

  • 360 ° screening (employers, co-workers and customers)
  • The 360° Satisfaction Screening Program surfaces the applicant’s customer-service orientation
  • Commitment to customer service drives increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

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