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You are a service provider ( company or solo entrepeneur) who wants to sell your expertise in benchmarking hydrogen plant suppliers to the chemical and metallurgy sector.

Your goal is to build a global business network by combining your expert skills with the leverage opportunities of the internet.

Here is our three step process to create your business model quickly.

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  1. Define Mission

Your mission statement transfers your expertise into your business offer for specific target segments:

Here is the mission statement for you, a chemical or mechanical engineer, who is specialized in benchmarking suppliers of hydrogen plants:

Through my expertise in benchmarking supplier of process plants for hydrogen production, I provide my proven and proprietary blueprint for Benchmarketing of Process Plant Suppliers for Hydrogen Production.

The blueprint and my accompanying in-house seminars provide my clients with an independent assessment of key technology and equipment suppliers.

All information has previously published in the public domain (independent service provider).

The benchmarking of Process Plants for Hydrogen Production is my (or my companies) proprietary information that includes secret formulas, processes, and method used in benchmarking of process plant suppliers for hydrogen production.

2. Design Business Model

First you’ll design your business offer for your target clients

Your target clients are CPOs (Chief Procurement Officer) of the Chemical Sector and Metallurgy Sector.

You’ll provide an independent overview of the technical and economic competencies of leading process plant suppliers for hydrogen production, particularly larger steam hydrogen reformers.

it includes:

  • A description of the product range for each supplier
  • A techno-economic analysis of two plant sizes for each supplier with subdivision into pre-treatment, furnace, PSA and steam capacity
  • Plant sizes of 20 mmscfd and 80 mmscfd
  • An identification of current alliances and agreements
  • A brief overview SWOT analysis based on technology and markets

3. Create Business Model

Having created your business offer, you’ll create your business model.

Your business model describes the rationale of how to create, deliver and capture value for your customer , you and your company.

Discover your business model below:


Tool to Use

Use the template below for designing your business model
Next you’ll transfer your business model into sales in one month or less.

3 Steps to Transfer Your Business Model into Sales in One Month

After you’ve designed your business model, you’ll transfer it to your first business.

Here is my three-step process that helps to achieve your goal.

1. Contacting the Decision Maker
2. Arranging the Meeting
3. Managing the Meeting and Follow Up Successfully

1. Contacting the Decision Maker

One surefire pain point for most organisations is financial:
Most organisations are eager to increase revenue or reduce costs.

You’ll employ your own blueprint or using our proprietary blueprint:
Benchmarking Hydrogen Plan Suppliers for Optimal Techno-Economic Costs

You’ll contact the CPO of your target company and sector either directly or via referrals/door openers using the power of LinkedIn.
RapidKnowHow provides referral strategies for achieving your goal.

2. Arranging the Meeting

Approach decision makers with warmest possible references or in case the targeted decision maker knows you in “action”; you’ll contact him directly.
There is a simple rule of thumb: Ask yourself the question: If I call him, is he taking the call?

Directly and boldly approaching a decision-maker is your most powerful choice.
When contacting decision-makers, you might say:

I think you have a significant opportunity to optimize your techno-economic costs for supplying hydrogen plants and I have a proven business blueprint you may find convincing. Can we get together?

3. Managing the Meeting & Follow Up Successfully

When you meet the decision-maker and his team, first you’ll short introduce yourself and your way of solving customers’ problems.

You’ll ask your speaking partner(s) whether to focus on exploring further the blueprint.
Your speaking partner will agree or ask for a correction.

If your understanding is correct, your speaking partner might say:

How would you recommend we solve this problem? (Just what you want to hear!)

On the other hand, if your understanding wasn’t entirely accurate, your speaking partner may elaborate on the real opportunities or problems his organisation faces.

Regardless how the meeting unfolds, stick to your goal of proposing to help establishing a proven process for benchmarking hydrogen plant suppliers rapidly

If your speaking partner accepts your offer to submit a written proposal for running an in-house seminar with your purchasing group and the operations manager, promise to deliver the offer in a week or less.
Then thank your speaking partner and exit gracefully.

Follow up with a brief “Thank You” email confirming agreed items, and the delivery date of your offer.

If your speaking partner declines your offer for help, it’s time to approach different prospective customers.

If multiple prospects decline your offer, it’s time to revise your business model for better meeting customer needs.

Get Started to Succeed

Now it’s your turn. Create the outlined  model in one day and transfer your model into sales in one month or less. Wish You All Success!

We offer one hour telefon conversations to help you succeed.


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