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You want to sell your account management skills in acquiring accounts by using the power of LinkedIn.

You need a simple business model that shows how you’ll create, deliver and capture value.

That’s why I created this post with an explainer video to help you reach your goal effectively.

Business Model: Acquiring Accounts by Using the Power of LinkedIn

First, you’ll define your customer segment.

You’ll target owners and partner of service firms ( law firms, management consultancies, accounting firms).

Their goal is to expand their businesses worldwide online.

Your value proposition is to help service providers acquiring new clients and businesses online.

You’ll outreach to your prospective clients via your first connections on LinkedIn.

You plan to generate multiple income streams from consulting, coaching and from selling your proprietary infoproducts.

It’s important to understand what are your key resources for delivering your value proposition.

LinkedIn is the key platform and communication channels for building mutually beneficial business relationships.

You’ll create an actionbook that demonstrates how to acquire accounts by using LinkedIn.

Planning your key activities is crucial.

I suggest to make a list of your top 10 prospective clients to whom you’ve established contacts.

Satisfied former clients or employers are best to address.

The most effective contact strategy is either directly by phone,email or via reference persons.


RapidKnowHow assists in implementing your strategy rapidly.

Get Started to Succeed

Now it’s your turn. Create the outlined  model in one hour and transfer your model into sales in one month or less. Wish You All Success!

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