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“Leadership is the art of giving people a platform for spreading ideas that work.” –Seth Godin

If you want to communicate in the digital age, then you need to develop signature storytelling skills.

Storytelling skills deliver or support your strategic message, clarifying or extending your brand vision, customer value proposition, organisational values and how to transfer your message into actions rapidly.

Here is a short checklist that helps to get you a quick overview on how to transfer your message into action rapidly.

1. Your Strategic Message
Your Strategic Message shows a real person in a real situation that creates value for another person, and the other person talks about how he perceives the value delivered.

2. The Brand Vision
Your Brand Vision demonstrates how you support people to succeed, so your colleagues and clients take action in sharing your way of delivering value continuously.

3. Customer Relationship
You’ll share success stories with your customers. Here you’ll take care of confidentiality issues, of course.

4. Organizational Values
You’ll communicate your business offer and how you deliver value to your customers every day.

5. The Digital Transformation Strategy
You’ll build close relationships with other leaders who care for people and the environment about creating mutually beneficial business relations.

You aim at communicating your success stories via social media communication channels.

Getting Started

  • Have the CEO commit to communicating strategic messages as an essential part of your communication strategy.
  • You’ll develop a set of strategic messages based on your brand vision, value proposition, your organisational values and your digital transformation strategy.
  • You’ll include short videos from employee activities, demonstrating how employees create value for clients every day.
  • Best stories come from end-user clients who explain how you solved an urgent problem rapidly.
  • Make a person responsible for identifying, creating and promoting appropriate stories.
  • Offer incentives to employees to identify potential stories.

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