If we want to help clients to get out in front in the digital age, then we must provide knowledge services that help clients achieve this goal.
Here are top 3 new service provider offers you will like:
1. Strategy Session – Free Consultation
2. Interim Management
3. In-House Seminars
1. Strategy Session – Free Consultation to Outline Your Digital Start up Plan
The strategy session is for working 1-1 with you to outline your digital start up plan.
Usually, a well prepared 3-hours session is sufficient to get us outlining your digital start up plan.
For preparing the meeting, we’ll use the following structure:
– Clarify your goal of the session
– Identifying your main challenges
– Determine main steps to turn challenges into your digital start up plan.
2. Interim Management – Providing Proven Step-by-Step Process to Get an Interim Management Assignment
Philip, my partner at RapidKnowHow, developed expertise in an emerging area of management services.
He realised five years ago that companies request hands-on executive expertise for challenging tasks such as selecting primary IT service providers. Intermediaries such as Hayes provide fulfilment services to interim managers.
Philip has created a practical action guide for interim managers on his speciality.
He provides one-to-one coaching that helps you benefitting from Philip’s experience and getting started rapidly.
3. In-House Seminars – Helping Clients to Transfer Their Industrial Business Model into a Digital Business Rapidly
We recognised many years ago that manufacturing companies would have to transformation industrial model into a digitalised business model if they want to stay competitive in the information age.
We see an opportunity to one-day seminars on the subject: Breakthrough Strategies to Get Out in Front in the Digital Age.
We offer in-house seminars for limited attendance to roughly twenty people per session to ensure intense interaction.We’ll follow up personally with each attendee who had shown interest in our approach.
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