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Jim Morrison, General Manager Europe of InnovaGas, a subsidiary of Innova, the leading industrial gas digital solution provider, is thinking about how he could establish and drive sustainable leadership in the digital age.

Competitors focus on investing in Artificial Intelligence to cut operation costs and headcounts while InnovaGas wants to apply a different strategy.

InnovaGas wants to become the Global Industrial Gas MarketSpace Leader.  

To become the Global Industrial Gas MarketSpace Leader , InnovaGas wants to invest and grow digital leadership talents.

That’s why Jim wants to have a simple digital leadership competency model that:

  • Defines the Key Digital Leadership Competencies
  • Determines the Skills to Drive and Manage Digital Transformation
  • Outlines the Achievements by Applying the Digital Leadership Competencies and Digital Transformation Skills Effectively

Digital Leadership Talent Profile

The digital leadership competency model enables Jim to save time and costs by identifying digital leadership talents in his organisation.
He already identified the most critical skills of a leadership talent:

  • Identifies what needs to be done rapidly
  • Moves actively forward with an action plan
  • Plans ahead rather than responding after-the-fact
  • Sees and acts on opportunities
  • Regularly scans the environment for changes and new opportunities
  • Delivers sustainable results rapidly

The Digital Leadership Competency Model

That’s why RapidKnowHow designed the simple Digital Leader Competency Model to help Jim Succeed.

Use the Digital Leader Competency Model to identify, choose, develop and employ leadership talents

Read: How to Choose and Developing Leadership Talent
RapidKnowHow is the leading digital leadership strategy provider for the industrial gas industry