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#1. Business Strategy That Works

#2. Financial Strategy Not Hokey Sticks

#3. Shop Around for the Best Technology

#4. Build or Recruit Key Management Resources

#5. The Industrial Gas Market Policy is a set of rules for decision making that should be followed by all local gas companies to take full advantage of InnovaGas's strength as an international group

#6. Common Factors for an Industrial Gas Segment are: Similar customer needs, on seperate local markets, in every country, constituting the core business for InnovaGas

#7. Reducing Price is a sound market strategy for the industrial gas business ? Customers value safety of supply more than lower prices because industrial gas prices are just a small fraction of Cost of Goods Sold. BUT No Gas , No Production. Professional Industrial Gas Supplier guarantee INDUSTRIAL GAS AVAILABILITY

#8. How to Secure a Long-Term Profitable Growth in the Cutting and Welding Segment?

#9. How to Secure a Long-Term Growth In the Medical Segment?
