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#RapidKnowWHO #ADiktaturDemokratie

Hello Democrats! The House of Covid Cards is breaking down. The fight for freedom, democracy, and liberty of millions of people from around the world has been successful….

#RapidKnowWHO #ADiktaturDemokratie

Servus Democrats! The fascist SPÖ politicians Ludwig and Hacker announce the nationwide 3-month vaccination campaign in all elementary schools in VIENNA.This is a crime against humanity and against…

#RapidKnowWHO #ADiktaturDemokratie

Austria The Corrupt Untertanenstaat Austria the corrupt Untertanenstaat. Austria is part of the Putin system Politicians, lobbyists, media people and banks are an integral part of the Putin…

The 1-Hour Stakeholder Leader Austria: 6 Mistakes That Will Hurt in the Long Run (and Solutions)

Selling The Family Silver The Austrian politicians are currently preparing the ground for foreign investors who want to acquire the Austrian family silver in industry and research and…

The 1-Hour Sustainability Leader – Building The Digital Prison

Governments from around the World Use the Covid pandemic and forced measures (lockdowns, wearing masks, forced vaccinations) to transform our democracy into a DIGITAL PRISON

Becoming The Sustainability Leader – Moving from Digital Dictatorship to Sustainability Using RapidKnowHow

Quo Vadis Democracy and Humanity? Are we driving towards a digital dictatorship or the sustainability society? The political leaders and business elite drive the society towards the surveillance…

Becoming The Sustainability Leader – Digital Dictatorship or The Sustainability Society – The Challenge

One World Digital Dictatorship / By Soren Roest Korsgaard Introduction Dystopian classics are back into the spotlight, like Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and George Orwell’s 1984. They have roared…